Know the role of the genealogist in the acquisition of nationality

Know the role of the genealogist in the acquisition of nationality

abril 22, 2022 genealogist

The process of acquiring nationality usually goes through stages. And, lack of instruction, there is a delay in instruction, which in cases can be accomplished with proper instruction. In several of these, the question arises about the need for a family tree in the acquisition request process.

But is it really necessary in all cases?

To better understand what a genealogist is, how their work works and whether it is appropriate to start the process of assembling your family’s family tree, continue reading the article and learn more

What is a genealogist and what is their role?

The genealogist is the professional who works with lineage documentation. Through this it is possible to reconstitute a sequence of realizations within a family or specific family group.

He is responsible for collecting data and organizing to create a family tree. However, in addition, it is also able to gather important documents that prove the birth and death of their professional entry and exit in certain countries. It is also through them that it becomes possible to control that someone is, in fact, belonging to the family.

How do I know if I have Portuguese genealogy?

If you want to know about your Portuguese genealogy, the best step is to look for information within your own family. It is probably possible to know if there is any family connection by documents from parents or grandparents that prove where their ancestors came from. However, this is not possible, the next step is to look for a genealogist to start building your family tree.

This professional will carry out his searches in specific databases from the information and documents that have been previously made available to him. And, as you saw in the previous point, the genealogist, from such a collection, will be able to gather not only the names of the components of his family, but also their documents and the dates of their immigrations. This process can be extremely valuable if your objective is to obtain Portuguese nationality.

How long does it take to learn Portuguese genealogy?

There is no way to specify an exact period of time, however, in most cases, the process takes around 6 months. During this period, the genealogy professional will collect all the necessary data and properly organize them in a linear fashion. From this, it will be possible to know the descent of your family in several generations. However, it is highly recommended to look for professionals of excellence in the area, who have a good portfolio and seriousness in handling the information, since part of it is personal.

How can a genealogist help in obtaining Portuguese nationality?

In most cases, the work of the genealogist is not necessary, since the processes of obtaining Portuguese nationality take place directly, as between parents and children or through marriage between foreigners and Portuguese citizens.

However, in specific situations, as is the case with the Sephardim, the genealogist’s work can be extremely valuable. The Sephardim are the descendants of the Jewish community that lived, for the most part, in Portugal and Spain. This part of the population prospered and became huge, in this way, despite its expulsion from the territory between the 14th and 15th centuries, the community is still very large and is spread in many parts of the world, mainly Portugal.

Obviously, there are also several other cases in which genealogy can be important for accelerating the process, however, it is important that each case is properly evaluated, so that there are no expenses and wasted time. To find out if, in your case, it is advisable to carry out the analysis with the help of a certified genealogist, contact the specialized legal advice of Andrade Advocacia.

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What are the ways to obtain Portuguese nationality?

We can divide the process of obtaining Portuguese nationality into acquisition and attribution of nationality.

In the first case, an immigrant initiates an action in accordance with the Constitution of Portugal in order to have the same rights that a Portuguese native has. Among the most common ways of acquiring Portuguese nationality are people who have married someone of Portuguese origin or who have moved to the region.

In the process of attributing Portuguese nationality, the individual can request their nationality from birth, as is the case of children or grandchildren of Portuguese people, even if they were born in foreign territory. However, it is evident that each case needs specific legal advice and guidance and, therefore, it is extremely important to have the help of a specialized team, as is the case with Andrade Advocacia. Get in touch by clicking here and ask your questions!

Know your family tree with Andrade Advocacia!

Whether for cultural or identity reasons, the analysis of the family tree can make known the history of many families and how they lived in the past and developed up to the present moment. For many, this can be a great curiosity, a dream or the possibility of acquiring a new nationality.

As you can see, the genealogist’s work makes this process much more possible and easier, although it is not mandatory in all cases, offering the opportunity to know your ancestors and document your lineage, so that, in this way, there is a formality in the request. to obtain Portuguese nationality. This movement is complex and requires seriousness and care in choosing a professional.

Therefore, choose the one that offers the most effectiveness and commitment: Andrade Advocacia. We have professionals specialized in Portuguese and Brazilian territory, as well as proven and resolute cases in various areas of law

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