Andrade Advocacia - Acquisition of Portuguese Nationality Andrade Advocacia

Acquisition of
Portuguese nationality

Nationality can be acquired in two ways:

• Derived nationality: the acquisition of the derived nationality takes effect only from the date on which the registration of acquisition of nationality is drawn up at the Central Registry Office (Article 12 of the Nationality Law);

• Re-acquired nationality: re-acquisition of nationality is possible for those who, on a date prior to the entry into force of the Nationality Law, lost Portuguese nationality as a result of marriage to a foreigner or the voluntary acquisition of foreign nationality.


Derived nationality can be acquired in the following cases:

1. The minor or incapable foreigner, whose mother or father has acquired Portuguese nationality, after birth, may also acquire Portuguese nationality if they declare, through their legal representatives, that they want to be Portuguese, provided that none of the circumstances they are grounds for opposing the acquisition of nationality – articles 2 and 9 of the Nationality Law and article 13 of the Nationality Regulation.

2. A foreigner married for more than three years to a Portuguese national or living in a de facto union for more than three years with a Portuguese national may acquire Portuguese nationality if he declares, in the course of marriage or de facto union, that he wants to be Portuguese since that none of the circumstances that are grounds for opposing the acquisition of nationality occur - articles 3 and 9 of the Nationality Law and article 14 of the Nationality Regulation.

3. The foreigner who, having been Portuguese, lost his nationality as a minor or incapable, as a result of the declaration of the person representing him, may regain Portuguese nationality if he declares it, when able, provided that none of the circumstances underlying the of opposition to the acquisition of nationality - articles 4 and 9 of the Nationality Law and article 15 of the Nationality Regulation.

4. The foreigner fully adopted by a Portuguese national, after the date of entry into force of Law on Nationality No. 37/81, of 3 October, acquires Portuguese nationality by effect of the law, provided that none of the circumstances that are ground of opposition to the acquisition of nationality - articles 5 and 9 of the Nationality Law and article 16 of the Nationality Regulation.

5. To foreigners of legal age or emancipated under Portuguese law, who have legally resided in Portuguese territory for at least six years, provided they have sufficient knowledge of the Portuguese language and have not been convicted, with a final and unappealable decision, for committing a crime punishable by imprisonment for a maximum of three years or more, according to Portuguese law, upon request addressed to the Minister of Justice – articles 6, paragraph 1 of the Nationality Law and 19 of the Nationality Regulation.

6. Minors, under Portuguese law, born in Portuguese territory, children of foreigners, provided they know the Portuguese language sufficiently, have not been convicted, with final and unappealable sentence, for the commission of a crime punishable by a maximum prison sentence or more than three years, according to Portuguese law and at the time of application, one of the parents has legally resided here for at least five years, or the minor here has completed the first cycle of basic education, upon request addressed to the Minister of Justice - Articles 6(2) of the Nationality Law and 20 of the Nationality Regulation.

7. Individuals who have had Portuguese nationality and who, having lost it, have never acquired another nationality, provided they are of legal age or emancipated under Portuguese law, have not been convicted, with final and unappealable sentence, for committing a crime punishable by a maximum prison sentence of three years or more, according to Portuguese law, upon request addressed to the Minister of Justice - articles 6, paragraph 3 of the Nationality Law and 21 of the Nationality Regulation.

8. Individuals born in Portuguese territory, children of foreigners, who have usually stayed here for the 10 years immediately prior to the request, provided they are of age or emancipated under Portuguese law, are sufficiently familiar with the Portuguese language and have not been convicted, with transit in judged from the sentence, for the commission of a crime punishable by a maximum prison sentence of three years or more, according to Portuguese law, upon request addressed to the Minister of Justice - articles 6, paragraph 5 of the Nationality Law and 23 of the Regulation of Nationality.

9. To individuals who, not being stateless, have had Portuguese nationality, to those who are deemed to be descendants of Portuguese, to members of communities of Portuguese descent and to foreigners who have provided or are called upon to provide relevant services to the Portuguese State or the national community , provided that they are of legal age or emancipated under Portuguese law and have not been convicted, with final and unappealable sentence, for the commission of a crime punishable by a maximum prison sentence of three years or more, according to Portuguese law, upon request addressed to the Minister of Justice - articles 6, no. 6 of the Nationality Law and 24 of the Nationality Regulation.

10. To the descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews, through the demonstration of the tradition of belonging to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin, based on proven objective requirements of connection to Portugal, including surnames, familiar language, direct or collateral descent, provided they are adult or emancipated under Portuguese law and have not been convicted, with final and unappealable sentence, for committing a crime punishable by a maximum prison sentence of three years or more, according to Portuguese law, upon request addressed to the Minister of Justice - articles 6th paragraph 7 of the Nationality Law and 24th-A of the Nationality Regulation.

11. The foreigner fully adopted by a Portuguese national, by a final and unappealable decision before the entry into force of Nationality Law No. 37/81, of 3 October, may acquire Portuguese nationality if he declares it and provided that none of the circumstances that are grounds for opposing the acquisition of nationality - articles 9 and 29 of the Nationality Law and article 66 of the Nationality Regulation.


Nationality can be regained in the following cases:

1. The woman who lost Portuguese nationality for having acquired a foreign nationality, based on marriage with a foreigner, under the terms of Law nº 2098, of July 29, 1959, and previous legislation, can regain Portuguese nationality by declaration – article 30 of the Nationality Law and Article 65 of the Nationality Regulation.

2. Anyone who, having had Portuguese nationality, lost it for having voluntarily acquired a foreign nationality, pursuant to Law No. 2098, of July 29, 1959, and previous legislation, acquires Portuguese nationality by declaration, when the registration has been drawn up. definitive of loss of nationality - no. 1 al. b) Article 31 of the Law on Nationality and Article 67 of the Regulation on Nationality.

Source: IRN

Practice Areas

Our services to acquire your Portuguese Nationality

Atribuição de Nacionalidade

Assignment of
Portuguese Nationality

The original nationality, which takes effect from the date of birth, can be attributed.

Aquisição de Nacionalidade

Acquisition of
Portuguese Nationality

Nationality can be acquired in two ways: Derived and Regained.

Revisão de Sentença

Review action
foreign judgment

The original nationality, which takes effect from the date of birth, can be attributed.

União Homoafetiva


Portugal allows the celebration of marriage for people of the same sex